MAY 23, 2024 – A week has gone by and the numbers prove the highly specialized formula of Focus on PCB, the only European event entirely dedicated to the printed circuit board industry: 18% more visitors compared to the previous edition coming from 25 countries, mainly from Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, France and Spain. 119 exhibitors including companies and representatives from the EMEA and APAC region, for a total amount of 16 manufacturer and distributor countries represented onsite. 38 appointments including conferences and technical forums with high- profile speakers from all over Europe that enlivened the two-day fair, in favour of an increasingly international audience.
The return of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition, the world welding championship
promoted by IPC, with its only Italian stage right in Vicenza, acted as a driving force to attract additional professionals. And an excellent feedback was given to the new in-fair recruiting service Focus on Career, appreciated by exhibitors and visitors as a litmus test of the health condition of the industry, which is quite vibrant at the moment.
These are signs that the European PCB supply chain enjoys good health and boasts a good amount of optimism, despite the shadow of the Asian tigers and the uncertainty of a European Chips Act that is still not very protective of the PCB industry.
Focus on PCB recorded palpable enthusiasm among attendees, thanks to the lively and productive networking and the high-quality level of the scheduled activities. This event is confirmed as a unique opportunity in the European exhibition scene for the professionals in the printed circuit board industry.
The third edition of “Focus on PCBs – From Design to Assembly,” an event organized by NürnbergMesse Italia, promoted by Gruppo PCB Assodel, sponsored by ANIE Componenti elettronici and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group at the IEG exhibition center in Vicenza, closed with these results.
NürnbergMesse Italia validates the success of Focus on PCB and is already at work for the next edition: the appointment with Focus on PCB 2025 is set for May 14-15, 2025, in a new pavilion that will increase the space and services available to exhibitors and will offer more companies the chance to participate in the reference event for the PCB, PCBA and EMS industry.
“This year we allocated significant resources to enhance quality and to increase the number of visitors, with the aim of strengthening the reputation of Focus on PCB,” says Stefania Calcaterra, managing director of NürnbergMesse Italy. “This event has now established itself among PCB industry professionals as an occasion of excellence, capable of effectively promoting business in the industry. The feedback we received from exhibitors on the quality of the visitors’ profile is a motivation for us to continue in this direction.”
Speaking of results, the second edition of the Italian stage of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition with GestLabs’ Master IT judges saw the participation of 32 professional welders, including 9 women, for a total amount of 21 companies competing in the realization of a functional PCBA with extremely minute components. Only 5 boards were completed entirely and correctly, indicating the level of high difficulty of the task. Alessandro Manicone of Elettronica GF conquered again the top step of the podium and was reconfirmed as Italian Champion and will be invited to Monaco to the World Electronica Finals to represent our country. Second place for Fabio Dotti of Gefran, third place for Giorgio Agnelli of Dynamis PRC. “Best Team” award to Dynamis PRC, which has scored the highest points in the team section.
The Focus on PCB community will receive updates in the coming months in the news section at and on the event’s LinkedIn page, in an approach path to the 2025 edition of the fair.
NürnbergMesse Italia è presente sul mercato italiano dal 2009 come filiale italiana del Gruppo NürnbergMesse, una delle 15 maggiori società fieristiche del mondo. Comprende la NürnbergMesse GmbH e le sue 15 filiali e affiliate. Il Gruppo impiega più di mille persone in undici sedi in Germania, Brasile, Cina, India, Italia, Grecia, Austria e Stati Uniti. Ha anche una rete di rappresentanti internazionali in più di 100 paesi. Il suo portafoglio comprende circa 120 esposizioni e congressi nazionali ed internazionali tenuti sia in presenza sia come eventi digitali, concentrandosi sui cinque macrosettori: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. I suoi eventi salvaguardano posti di lavoro e generano ogni anno entrate e potere d’acquisto per miliardi di euro, rendendo la NürnbergMesse un importante motore economico per la regione metropolitana di Norimberga e per la Germania nel suo complesso. Come datore di lavoro e organizzatore di grandi eventi, la NürnbergMesse assume responsabilità per le persone e l’ambiente. Modella le sue azioni aziendali sulla base dei 17 Obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU con l’obiettivo di raggiungere la neutralità climatica della fornitura energetica entro il 2028.
Contatti per la stampa
Vertigo Srl – Ufficio stampa Focus on PCB
Tel. 02 70 60 52 54
Stefano Cazzani
Elisa Bellintani
+39 02 36753260
15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00
16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00
Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1
Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI)