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14 February 2025Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2025: THE ONLY EUROPEAN EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INDUSTRY WILL TAKE PLACE IN VICENZA ON MAY 21 AND 22 THE EUROPEAN REFERENCE PLATFORM FOR THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) RETURNS WITH A NEW HALL AND A WORLDWIDE-RELEVANT RECOGNITION. ALUN MORGAN FROM EIPC WILL OPEN THE EVENT WITH A TALK ON THE DYNAMICS OF THE EUROPEAN PCB MARKET. THE RETURN OF THE IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION AND THE RECRUITING SERVICE FOCUS ON CAREER REINFORCES THE ROLE OF THE EXHIBITION AS A PLATFORM OF EXCELLENCE AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE INDUSTRY. FEBRUARY 14, 2025 – Vicenza will once again be at the centre of the international stage with the new edition of “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly”, the only European exhibition entirely dedicated to the world of printed circuit boards. The date is set for May 21 and 22, 2025. Organized by Nürnbergmesse Italia, promoted by Gruppo PCB Assodel and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, Focus on PCB benefits from ANIE Componenti Elettronici’s sponsorship and is confirmed as a benchmark event for the European PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) industry.Unique in the electronics exhibition scene, for the fourth year in a row the event will bring to Italy the best companies representing the heart of the PCB industry. A NEW HALL GIVES EVEN MORE SPACE TO TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATIONThe interest is high, the opportunity to connect highly-qualified exhibitors and visitors is unmatched, and the response from companies has been enthusiastic. For this reason, Focus on PCB 2025 is moving to Hall 7 of the Vicenza fairgrounds: more space for companies and visitors, confirming the success of this B2B event.“European companies in the printed circuit board industry have recognized Focus on PCB as the benchmark event worldwide, a place where people can meet, discuss and do business in a real way”, declares Stefania Calcaterra, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia. “Having brought a technological exhibition of this level to Italy, in a country that historically boasts some of Europe’s best technical expertise in the PCB sector, is a source of pride for us”. FOCUS ON PCB: A WELL-RECOGNIZED EXHIBITION OF INTERNATIONAL RELEVANCEFocus on PCB has been recognized as an Event of international relevance by Veneto Region: an important confirmation of the exhibition’s value as a benchmark for the European PCB industry. Nowadays, the European printed circuit board industry faces the challenge of redefining its role in a global market dominated by Asian powers. To compete, it must rely on highly specialized skills and advanced technologies that still set it apart worldwide. Events such as Focus on PCB represent a unique opportunity to foster discussion, stimulate innovation and increase European companies’ visibility, from manufacturers to distributors.The exhibition’s international footprint was already manifest in the 2024 edition, which registered visitors from 25 countries, with a strong presence from Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, France and Spain.119 exhibitors from 16 countries from the EMEA and APAC regions, both manufacturers and distributors, gathered in Vicenza. The recognition by Veneto Region confirms Focus on PCB as a strategic platform to build the future of the European PCB industry. EIPC’S ALUN MORGAN OPENS FOCUS ON PCB WITH AN ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD MARKETOn 21 May, Focus on PCB 2025 will welcome Alun Morgan, President of EIPC – The European Institute for the PCB Community, who will deliver the show’s opening speech, ‘Electronics Business Outlook: European Market Dynamics’. His presentation will provide an analysis of the global macro-economy, highlighting the main risk factors, and then look at the outlook for the European PCB market and the technological trends in the sector. “I am honoured to be taking part in Focus on PCB, a landmark event for the European PCB industry, recognised for the outstanding quality of its exhibition and technical content,” said Alun Morgan.Alun Morgan is an experienced materials scientist with a degree in Metallurgy from the University of Surrey. After entering the printed circuit board manufacturing sector, Morgan has dedicated his entire career to perfecting his knowledge of the industry. He is currently President of EIPC, the association representing the European printed circuit board industry. THE BEST PROFESSIONAL SOLDERING EXPERTS FROM ITALY COMPETE IN VICENZAThe only Italian date of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition will be held during Focus on PCB: the competition is sponsored by IPC, the global association for the electronic industry. The event, which made its Italian debut in Vicenza in 2021, will once again feature professional soldering experts, ready to compete in making a functional PCBA from extremely small components. In the previous edition, as many as 36 skilled experts, including 9 women, representing 21 companies, competed in a high-level test, which saw only 5 of them succeed in completing the assigned task.This prestigious event is once again held in Vicenza thanks to Focus on PCB’s ability to attract the best talents and professionals in the industry, consolidating its role as an international platform of excellence in the field of printed circuit boards. FOCUS ON CAREER: THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONNECT COMPANIES AND TALENTS IN THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INDUSTRYThe return of the “Focus on Career” service at Focus on PCB represents a unique opportunity to connect companies and talents from the industry. Companies seeking professional figures will be able to share details of the profiles they are looking for, posting ads both during the exhibition and online, while visitors will have the possibility to see job offers at the dedicated stand onsite and receive information on how they can apply for job interviews with attending companies. “Focus on Career” was created with the aim of actually responding to the shortage of skilled work force and skills mismatch, creating a direct channel between labour supply and demand. Not only on the two days of the exhibition, but all year long: job offers will be available on the Focus on PCB website and on its LinkedIn page with recruiting activities. “With this service, the exhibition presents itself as a benchmark for companies looking for talents and professionals who aspire to get in touch with the world of work”, stated Stefania Calcaterra. “We aim to make Focus on PCB a platform for companies’ needs and a tangible career opportunity for young people and professionals in the electronic industry”. The event in Vicenza is also an important opportunity to highlight the strategic role of universities and technical institutes in training the young talent that feeds the Italian and European electronics industry. “Schools have always played a fundamental role in preparing the younger generations. We invite students, undergraduates and recent graduates to visit the exhibition and discover first-hand the numerous and stimulating career opportunities the sector has to offer,” concluded Calcaterra. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIANürnbergmesse Italia has been present in the Italian market since 2009 as an Italian subsidiary of the Nürnbergmesse Group, one of the 15 main exhibition companies in the world. It includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group employs more than 1,000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the US. It also owns a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio includes about 120 exhibitions and conferences held both in person and as digital events, focusing on 5 major areas: Retail and Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. Its events safeguard jobs and generate billions of euros in revenue and purchasing power every year, making Nürnbergmesse an important economic engine for the Nürnberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole. As an employer and organizer of major events, Nürnbergmesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions on the basis of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Developing Goals with the aim of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. Press contactVertigo Srl – Press office Focus on PCB Tel.+390270605254Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contatti +39 02 36753260 Orari di apertura Focus on PCB 15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00 16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00 Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI) Social Newsletter Iscriviti alla newsletter Privacy Policy Leggi la privacy policy Organizzato da Patrocinato da Ospitato da Copyright © 2023 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
23 May 2024Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2024 SCORED A HAT-TRICK WELCOMING MORE VISITORS AND MORE EXHIBITORS FROM MORE COUNTRIES THAN IN THE PAST EDITIONS MAY 23, 2024 – A week has gone by and the numbers prove the highly specialized formula of Focus on PCB, the only European event entirely dedicated to the printed circuit board industry: 18% more visitors compared to the previous edition coming from 25 countries, mainly from Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, France and Spain. 119 exhibitors including companies and representatives from the EMEA and APAC region, for a total amount of 16 manufacturer and distributor countries represented onsite. 38 appointments including conferences and technical forums with high- profile speakers from all over Europe that enlivened the two-day fair, in favour of an increasingly international audience. The return of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition, the world welding championshippromoted by IPC, with its only Italian stage right in Vicenza, acted as a driving force to attract additional professionals. And an excellent feedback was given to the new in-fair recruiting service Focus on Career, appreciated by exhibitors and visitors as a litmus test of the health condition of the industry, which is quite vibrant at the moment.These are signs that the European PCB supply chain enjoys good health and boasts a good amount of optimism, despite the shadow of the Asian tigers and the uncertainty of a European Chips Act that is still not very protective of the PCB industry.Focus on PCB recorded palpable enthusiasm among attendees, thanks to the lively and productive networking and the high-quality level of the scheduled activities. This event is confirmed as a unique opportunity in the European exhibition scene for the professionals in the printed circuit board industry. The third edition of “Focus on PCBs – From Design to Assembly,” an event organized by NürnbergMesse Italia, promoted by Gruppo PCB Assodel, sponsored by ANIE Componenti elettronici and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group at the IEG exhibition center in Vicenza, closed with these results. NürnbergMesse Italia validates the success of Focus on PCB and is already at work for the next edition: the appointment with Focus on PCB 2025 is set for May 14-15, 2025, in a new pavilion that will increase the space and services available to exhibitors and will offer more companies the chance to participate in the reference event for the PCB, PCBA and EMS industry. “This year we allocated significant resources to enhance quality and to increase the number of visitors, with the aim of strengthening the reputation of Focus on PCB,” says Stefania Calcaterra, managing director of NürnbergMesse Italy. “This event has now established itself among PCB industry professionals as an occasion of excellence, capable of effectively promoting business in the industry. The feedback we received from exhibitors on the quality of the visitors’ profile is a motivation for us to continue in this direction.” Speaking of results, the second edition of the Italian stage of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition with GestLabs’ Master IT judges saw the participation of 32 professional welders, including 9 women, for a total amount of 21 companies competing in the realization of a functional PCBA with extremely minute components. Only 5 boards were completed entirely and correctly, indicating the level of high difficulty of the task. Alessandro Manicone of Elettronica GF conquered again the top step of the podium and was reconfirmed as Italian Champion and will be invited to Monaco to the World Electronica Finals to represent our country. Second place for Fabio Dotti of Gefran, third place for Giorgio Agnelli of Dynamis PRC. “Best Team” award to Dynamis PRC, which has scored the highest points in the team section. The Focus on PCB community will receive updates in the coming months in the news section at and on the event’s LinkedIn page, in an approach path to the 2025 edition of the fair. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia è presente sul mercato italiano dal 2009 come filiale italiana del Gruppo NürnbergMesse, una delle 15 maggiori società fieristiche del mondo. Comprende la NürnbergMesse GmbH e le sue 15 filiali e affiliate. Il Gruppo impiega più di mille persone in undici sedi in Germania, Brasile, Cina, India, Italia, Grecia, Austria e Stati Uniti. Ha anche una rete di rappresentanti internazionali in più di 100 paesi. Il suo portafoglio comprende circa 120 esposizioni e congressi nazionali ed internazionali tenuti sia in presenza sia come eventi digitali, concentrandosi sui cinque macrosettori: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. I suoi eventi salvaguardano posti di lavoro e generano ogni anno entrate e potere d’acquisto per miliardi di euro, rendendo la NürnbergMesse un importante motore economico per la regione metropolitana di Norimberga e per la Germania nel suo complesso. Come datore di lavoro e organizzatore di grandi eventi, la NürnbergMesse assume responsabilità per le persone e l’ambiente. Modella le sue azioni aziendali sulla base dei 17 Obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU con l’obiettivo di raggiungere la neutralità climatica della fornitura energetica entro il 2028. Contatti per la stampaVertigo Srl – Ufficio stampa Focus on PCBTel. 02 70 60 52 54Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contatti +39 02 36753260 Orari di apertura Focus on PCB 15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00 16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00 Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI) Social Newsletter Iscriviti alla newsletter Privacy Policy Leggi la privacy policy Organizzato da Patrocinato da Ospitato da Copyright © 2023 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
15 May 2024Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2024: THE THIRD EDITION OPENS UNDER THE SIGN OF GROWTH 15 MAY 2024 – The third edition of ‘Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly’, Europe’s only exhibition entirely dedicated to the printed circuit board industry, kicked off this morning. The event features 119 exhibitors from 16 different countries, offering a global overview of the industry. Highlights include 38 specialist talks, including conferences and technical forums with high-profile speakers. In addition, the fair hosts the return of the only Italian stage of the Manual Welding Championship organised by IPC and the debut of the new in-fair recruiting service called Focus on Career. Organised by NürnbergMesse, promoted by the Assodel PCB Group and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, Focus on PCB is an event sponsored by ANIE Electronic Components.All the key players in the printed circuit board industry, including PCB manufacturers, distributors, subcontractors, EMS, material suppliers, service companies, suppliers of design tools, certification bodies, and analysis and testing laboratories, are taking part in this unique professional development and networking opportunity. The fair will open its doors with the presence of Giorgio Xoccato, President of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, and Stefania Calcaterra – Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia. Giorgio Xoccato – President of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce: ‘The sector of printed circuit board and electronic board production is a highly specialised field, which globally registers a constant growth trend against a market that is very focused on custom-made. Veneto ranks among the top regions in Italy for the quality level of its companies, and Vicenza is a true excellence, as it is home to more than a third of the regional companies and employs more than 40% of the workforce. We note, however, that this sector, like many others, is currently suffering from a lack of skilled labour, so much so that at a national level there is a 70% difficulty index in finding personnel. For this reason, one of our objectives as the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce is to invest resources to put in place training courses aimed at training young, motivated and prepared professionals linked to the world of engineering and electronics, and thus contribute to bridging this gap between demand and supply. Stefania Calcaterra – Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia: ‘We have invested a lot of resources to make Focus on PCB an increasingly attractive and effective event. Now in its third edition, we are seeing a steadily growing interest from companies in the printed circuit board sector. For this reason, next year we plan to move to a larger hall, increasing space and services available for all companies present at the fair this year and to those who, due to the physical limitations of Hall 1, were unable to attend.’ Peter Ottmann – CEO of NürnbergMesse: ‘We are proud of the evolution of our trade fair Focus on PCB over the past three years. The event concept attracts highly qualified visitors from the design, assembly and marketing sectors. This means that Focus on PCB is not only a meeting place for industry experts, but also for decision makers and innovators from various key areas of the PCB industry. The special theme of this edition is the use of Artificial Intelligence in the production and development of PCBs, reflecting the innovative spirit and future-oriented mindset of this industry.’ Focus on PCB will be held at the IEG exhibition centre in Vicenza on 15 and 16 May 2024. A unique case in the European B2B exhibition scene, the fair represents an international reference for the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) industry, with a strong growth of European and non-European exhibitors compared to the previous edition. USEFUL INFO: How to register and get your ticket: Vivaticket For more information about the event: All exhibitor news at the LinkedIn page: Conference and workshop agenda: NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia è presente sul mercato italiano dal 2009 come filiale italiana del Gruppo NürnbergMesse, una delle 15 maggiori società fieristiche del mondo. Comprende la NürnbergMesse GmbH e le sue 15 filiali e affiliate. Il Gruppo impiega più di mille persone in undici sedi in Germania, Brasile, Cina, India, Italia, Grecia, Austria e Stati Uniti. Ha anche una rete di rappresentanti internazionali in più di 100 paesi. Il suo portafoglio comprende circa 120 esposizioni e congressi nazionali ed internazionali tenuti sia in presenza sia come eventi digitali, concentrandosi sui cinque macrosettori: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. I suoi eventi salvaguardano posti di lavoro e generano ogni anno entrate e potere d’acquisto per miliardi di euro, rendendo la NürnbergMesse un importante motore economico per la regione metropolitana di Norimberga e per la Germania nel suo complesso. Come datore di lavoro e organizzatore di grandi eventi, la NürnbergMesse assume responsabilità per le persone e l’ambiente. Modella le sue azioni aziendali sulla base dei 17 Obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU con l’obiettivo di raggiungere la neutralità climatica della fornitura energetica entro il 2028. Contatti per la stampaVertigo Srl – Ufficio stampa Focus on PCBTel. 02 70 60 52 54Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contatti +39 02 36753260 Orari di apertura Focus on PCB 15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00 16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00 Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI) Social Newsletter Iscriviti alla newsletter Privacy Policy Leggi la privacy policy Organizzato da Patrocinato da Ospitato da Copyright © 2023 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
24 April 2024Press releasesPRESS RELEASE ADVANCED ELECTRONIC BOARD DESIGN, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY: FOCUS ON PCB 2024 WILL GATHER THE EUROPEAN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INDUSTRY THE ONLY EUROPEAN B2B FAIR DEDICATED TO THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INDUSTRY ON MAY 15 AND 16 IN VICENZA. NUMEROUS NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES PLANNED AT THE FAIR: FROM MEETINGS WITH THE INDUSTRY LEADERS TO JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT FOCUS ON CAREER, TO THE CHALLENGE OF SOLDERING PROFESSIONALS IN THE IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION. APRIL 17, 2024 – Less than a month left before the next edition of “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly”, the only European B2B trade fair entirely dedicated to the world of printed circuit boards. Now in its third edition, the event will be held on May 15-16 in Hall 1 of Fiera di Vicenza. 116 confirmed companies from 15 countries from all over the world: a strong growth of European and non-European exhibitors in comparison with the 2023 edition that highlights the success of a highly specialized formula which is able to attract qualified and high-profile visitors from the world of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design, assembly and marketing. The event is organized by NürnbergMesse, promoted by Assodel PCB Group and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, under the patronage of ANIE Electronic Components. HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCES FOR INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS The supporting program of Focus on PCB 2024 is particularly rich in high-level meetings. 2 days of conferences with 10 technical presentations from leading companies in the industry, moderated by Rai Radio 1 journalist and radio host Massimo Cerofolini. The talks on Wednesday, May 15, will focus on the topic of PCB Design and Assembly, and will investigate the different opportunities, best practices and possible issues encountered by electronic designers in the delicate phase of PCB design. On Thursday, May 16, the spotlight will instead be Artificial Intelligence, with insights into its impact on the electronics industry and the new European frontiers of technological innovation. Alongside the conferences there are 26 Specialist Forum meetings: technical workshops dedicated to exploring relevant issues such as sustainability, reshoring and delving into cutting-edge technological aspects in printed circuit board manufacturing. The full supporting program of Focus on PCB 2024 Conferences and Specialist Forum is available on the event website. IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION IS BACK. The only Italian stage of the “IPC HandSolderingCompetition” will take place again at this edition: the soldering championship is organized by IPC, the global reference association of the electronics industry, with the aim of identifying the best talents and celebrating skills. Participants in the Vicenza stage of the “IPC Hand Soldering Competition” will compete in assembling a functional electronic circuit board (PCBA) within the determined time of 1 hour. The circuits will be evaluated by an independent IPC MIT jury (IPC Master Trainers from GestLabs) based on the quality of soldering according to IPC-A-610 Class 3 criteria, production speed and electrical functionality. Last year, which marked the debut of the competition in Italy, 28 professional solderers competed in Vicenza, including 9 women. Each year IPC organizes 20 national competitions (8 of them in Europe) gathering more than 1,500 professionals from all countries around the world. The top 3 finishers in each competition receive a certificate and cash prizes from IPC and sponsors, and the 1st place winner is invited by IPC to the final where the world title is contested. JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT THE TRADE SHOW A new feature for the 2024 edition of Focus on PCB, is the launch of the recruiting service Focus on Career. Companies attending Focus on PCB in search of professionals will share details of the profile they are looking for. The job offers will be published at the fair and online. Visitors interested in viewing job offers from companies will have the opportunity to check open positions at booth 904, where they will receive further information on the contact person at the fair in order to schedule an introductory interview. Focus on Career aims to connect companies with qualified visitors who will take part in the two- day event in Vicenza, and to offer a practical contribution to the problem of labour and skills shortages and skill mismatch by facilitating successful “match” between supply and demand. Focus on PCB will be held at the Vicenza exhibition center on May 15 and 16, 2024. The fair is a unique event in the European B2B exhibition scene, aiming to gather PCB manufacturers and distributors, subcontractors, EMS, PCB material suppliers, service companies, suppliers of design-related services and/or tools, PCB AND PCBA certification bodies and companies, and analysis and testing laboratories. In Vicenza the PCB community will find the new essential platform dedicated to the entire world of printed circuit boards: Focus on PCB/Journal, published by Open Factory Edizioni and produced in collaboration with NürnbergMesse Italia, which gives voice to a sector rich in talent, skills and desire to emerge and which is of strategic importance for several industries. USEFUL INFO: How to register and get your ticket: Vivaticket For more information about the event: All exhibitor news at the LinkedIn page: Conference and workshop agenda: How to get there: News. Special Offers with Trenitalia for reaching the fair by train with discounts of up to NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIANürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and which employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals with the goal of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. Press contactsStefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Tel. +39 02 70 60 52 54 Contatti +39 02 36753260 Orari di apertura Focus on PCB 15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00 16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00 Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI) Social Newsletter Iscriviti alla newsletter Privacy Policy Leggi la privacy policy Organizzato da Patrocinato da Ospitato da Copyright © 2023 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
25 March 2024Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2024: EUROPEAN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INDUSTRY MEETS AGAIN IN VICENZA ON MAY 15 AND 16 THE EVENT DEDICATED TO EUROPEAN PCB/PCBA SUPPLY CHAIN COMPANIES AND EMS RETURNS TO VICENZA. IT FOLLOWS THE SUCCESS OF FOCUS ON PCB 2023, WHICH CLOSED WITH +27% VISITORS COMPARED TO THE FIRST EDITION AND WITH 35 TECHNICAL INITIATIVES FULLY TRANSLATED INTO ITALIAN AND ENGLISH FOR THE BENEFIT OF AN INCREASINGLY INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE. FEBRUARY 21, 2024 – On May 15 and 16, 2024, the Vicenza exhibition center will once again host “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly” the only European B2B trade fair dedicated to the world of printed circuit boards.Organized by NürnbergMesse Italia, promoted by Assodel PCB Group and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, Focus on PCB is sponsored by ANIE Electronic Components, and is an essential reference point for the European PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) industry. The event, now in its third year, is unique in the panorama of electronics fairs and is growing steadily: for 2024 it is already registering a growth in exhibition offerings. “The first two editions of Focus on PCB focused on creating an environment conducive to the meeting of players in the world of printed circuit boards and the proposal of a program of collateral activities, such as conferences and workshops- with high added value,” stresses Stefania Calcaterra, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia. “This year we wanted to invest further in enhancing the quality and number of visitors, so as to consolidate the reputation that Focus on PCB has earned among professionals in the printed circuit board industry as an event of excellence capable of encouraging business. To this end, we are working with dedicated resources on multiple fronts to reach more and more domestic and international professionals, to further expand the program of side events and to support visitors in organizing their visit.” The event’s audience of visitors includes high-profile technical figures from multiple industries: from aerospace to medical, IoT to robotics, transportation to automotive and rail, and lighting. Focus on PCB 2024 will implement several initiatives to deepen new technologies, innovative applications, market trends, and provide opportunities to update on regulations, standards, and technological innovations for industries in the sector. The attention on the issues of sustainability continues as it is an essential goal in designing printed circuit boards that manage to combine innovation and intelligent use of resources, and training, a fundamental activity to keep the competitiveness of the PCB industry high. There will be plenty of opportunities to analyse industry trends so as to gain the tools needed to better understand international markets. The only Italian date of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition returns, with Master IT judges from GestLabs, the soldering competition promoted by IPC, the global association of reference for the electronics industry, which made its debut in Vicenza last year during Focus on PCB and that saw 28 professional solderers challenge each other on the construction of a functional PCBA. And the community of professionals in the PCB industry will be able to find a new instrument at the fair that is functional to deepen everything that revolves around the world of printed circuit boards: it is the Focus on PCB/Journal, published by Open Factory Edizioni and produced in collaboration with NürnbergMesse Italia, which aims to give voice to a sector that is rich in talent, skills and desire to emerge and it is of strategic importance for several industries. The journal will also be available before the event online and at major industry events. More than 100 companies and representatives from the EMEA and APAC area have been confirmed so far and will animate the 6,000 square meters of exhibition space in Hall 1 of Fiera di Vicenza. Visitors and exhibitors at Focus on PCB will be able to continue to receive all updates in the coming months by following the news on the website www.Focus and on the event’s LinkedIn page, in an approach path towards the 2024 edition of the fair. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and which employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions on the basis of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals with the goal of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. Contatti +39 02 36753260 Orari di apertura Focus on PCB 15 Maggio – 9:00 – 18:00 16 Maggio – 9:00 – 17:00 Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (VI) Social Newsletter Iscriviti alla newsletter Privacy Policy Leggi la privacy policy Organizzato da Patrocinato da Ospitato da Copyright © 2023 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
26 May 2023Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2023, VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS CONFIRM THE WINNING FORMULA OF THE EVENT 24 MAY 2023 – +27% of visitors compared to the first edition. Exponential growth of accredited exhibitors compared to 2022, of which 20% were companies from the EMEA and APAC area. A 40% increase in the supporting program of specialist conferences and technical workshops, with 35 appointments, entirely translated into Italian and English for an increasingly international public, to animate the two exhibition days. And an exclusive first time for Italy with the IPC Hand Soldering Competition, the manual welding competition promoted by IPC. A clear feeling of enthusiasm, given by the lively and productive networking climate and by the high-quality level of this meeting opportunity for professionals of the printed circuit industry, unique in the European exhibition panorama, characterized all exhibition attendees. These numbers mark the positive closing of the “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly” exhibition, at its second edition, an event organized by NürnbergMesse Italia, promoted by the PCB Assodel Group, sponsored by ANIE Electronic Components and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group at the Vicenza Exhibition Center. The organizers of NürnbergMesse Italia confirm the success of Focus on PCB and are already at work for the next edition: the appointment with Focus on PCB 2024 is set for 15-16 May 2024. “Our goal was to offer the entire printed circuit board industry a meeting point with high added value to create business opportunities”, underlines Stefania Calcaterra, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia. As a matter of fact, Focus on PCB is aimed at all professionals in the printed circuit board industry: PCB manufacturers, PCB distributors, contractors, EMS, PCB material suppliers, service companies, suppliers of design-related services and tools, institutions and companies of PCB and PCBA certification, analysis and testing laboratories. “The positive balance of this second edition provides the unequivocal signal that we have taken the right path, creating a fair that has no equal in the European B2B exhibition scene and which translates into the exchange of ideas, the focus on needs, the development of new proposals and suggestions useful to create inspiration and to become the object of targeted studies, so to give new and solid answers to the needs of a market that is strategic at a global level”. Making its debut in Italy, the IPC Hand Soldering Competition, with GestLabs Master IT judges, saw 28 professional welders participate in the competition in Vicenza, including 9 women. The winner was Alessandro Manicone of Elettronica GF srl, who managed to complete the assigned task of building a functional PCBA in just 50 minutes. He will represent Italy at the final to be held in Munich during Productronica (November 14-17). Second place for Enrico Zanchetta of Ermes Elettronica and third place for Giorgio Agnelli of Dynamis PRC. All three were awarded cash prizes by sponsors. For the first time, IPC assigned the “Best Team” award as well: the company PCB Design won it by scoring highest in the team section. The Focus on PCB community will continue to receive all the updates in the coming months by following the news on the website and on the LinkedIn page of the event, in an ideal path towards the 2024 edition. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. The group includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions on the basis of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals with the aim of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. Press Contacts Vertigo Srl – Press Office Focus on PCB Tel. 02 70 60 52 54 Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
10 May 2023Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2023 FAIR BRINGS TOGETHER IN VICENZA THE LEADING COMPANIES FROM THE ITALIAN AND EUROPEAN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS INDUSTRY • THE ITALIAN AND EUROPEAN PCB/PCBA SUPPLY CHAIN AND EMS MEET ON THE 17TH AND18TH OF MAY AT FOCUS ON PCB TO TALK ABOUT THE MARKET, TECHNOLOGICAL NEWS AND INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS. • FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITALY, THE IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION: THE VICENZA STAGE WILL ELECT THE ITALIAN CHAMPION WHO WILL COMPETE FOR THE WORLD TITLE. MAY 4, 2023 – The second edition of “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly”, the onlyEuropean trade show dedicated to the world of printed circuit boards, promises to be full of events and high-profile meetings for the key players in the PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) industry, with over 100 exhibitors. The appointment is at Fiera di Vicenza on the 17th and 18th of May 2023. Organized by NürnbergMesse, supported by PCB Group Assodel and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, Focus on PCB is sponsored by ANIE Componenti Elettronici, and aims to offer an opportunity of in-depth analysis of new technologies, innovative applications, market trends and technical and professional update on regulations, standards and technological innovations for the industries in the electronics manufacturing field. The highly specialized formula of the first edition was rewarded by both exhibitors, who confirmed their participation in Focus on PCB 2023 and to whom were added numerous new companies, and by an audience of qualified visitors, who last year have benefited from this unique event to create important networking opportunities. Among the most interesting events we highlight the debut in Italy of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition, the hand soldering competition organized by IPC, the global reference association of the electronics industry. Participants compete to build a functional electronics assembly within the given time of 1 hour to win money prizes and the title of Italian Champion. The soldering quality will be evaluated on the basis of soldering quality according to IPC-A-610 Class 3 standards, production speed and electrical functionality, by independent IPC MIT judges (IPC Master Trainers) from Gestlabs. The winner will then be invited to the world final in Munich during Productronica 2023 (14-17 November), where all the regional champions will compete and the IPC Hand Soldering World Champion will be crowned. Info and registration at this link. The proposal of Conferences and Workshops is another highlight of Focus on PCB 2023. Moderated by Ing. Massimo Frigerio – Somacis Consultant, the Conferences are an opportunity for in-depth discussion with leading industry experts dealing with issues that animate the debate of the printed circuit board community, from sustainability to market penetration strategies and up to the latest innovations in the use of materials and production and assembly techniques. 17th May – 10.30 AM The PCB importance in the railway, automotive, military and medical industries With Andrea Grandoni, Production Manager, Esaote SpA; Mirko Giacomo Minaglia, Category Manager PCB-PCA-Chemicals, Leonardo SpA; Roberto Palamara, Purchasing Director – Giuseppe Abate, Sales Director, El&Tec Srl; Maurizio Borali, PCB Layout Design Manager, MTA SpA 17th May – 3 PM Approach to sustainability in the electronic/pcb supply chain With Stefania Parisi, Marketing Manager, NCAB Italy; Mario Cianfriglia, Field Application Engineer, NCAB Italy; Silvia Piazzalunga, Presidente Fineline Italy and Sustainability Director, Fineline Global; Nicolò Cristoni, Sustainability & Circular Economy Project Leader, SGS; Stefano Mazzola, Chief Procurement Officer, Gefran 18th May – 9.30 AM Cash is king in the EMS industry With Dieter Ing. G.Weiss, Weiss Engineering, In4ma To follow. The PCB in the context of the current market by Assodel With Diego Giordani, Assodel Director 18th May – 11.30 AM Technology improvements for space application PCBs With Patrik Cestola, Engineering Manager, Somacis 18th May – 2 PM Multi-speed components market: structural and cyclical changes With Gabriele Braga, Managing Board, ANIE Electronic Components 18th May – 3 PM Resilient electronics made possible by modern software With Nils Minor, Product Partnerships Manager, Luminovo At the same time, 28 technical Workshops will animate the exhibition area with presentations by the exhibitors of Focus on PCB, who will discuss the main technological innovations in the field and offer interesting insights for a more efficient production and for the strategic development of the world of printed circuit boards. Focus on PCB will take place at Fiera di Vicenza on 17 and 18 May 2023. The event is unique in the European B2B exhibition scene, and aims to bring together PCB manufacturers and distributors, contractors, EMS, PCB material suppliers, service companies, design-related services and/or tools suppliers, PCB and PCBA certification organizations and companies, analysis and testing laboratories. Useful information ▪ To register and download your ticket: Vivaticket ▪ For further information about the event: ▪ All the exhibitors’ news on the LinkedIn profile: ▪ The supporting program: here ▪ IPC Hand Soldering Competition registration form: here ▪ How to arrive: here NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and which employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions on the basis of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals with the goal of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. Press contacts Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Tel. 02 70 60 52 54 Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
17 April 2023Press releasesPRESS RELEASE IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN ITALY. HSC CHAMPION ITALY WILL BE NAMED AT FOCUS ON PCB 2023. THE ITALIAN STAGE OF THE IPC HAND SOLDERING COMPETITION WILL BE HELD DURING THE FOCUS ON PCB EXHIBITION. VICENZA WILL HOST THE REGIONAL QUALIFICATION ITALY FOR THE 2023 IPC HAND SOLDERING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ON 17 AND 18 MAY 2023. CONTESTANTS WILL CROSS SOLDERING IRON ON BUILDING A FUNCTIONAL COMPLEX CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY, DEMONSTRATING THEIR OUTSTANDING SKILLS AND ABILITIES IN ELECTRONICS. THE WINNER WILL EARN A CASH PRIZE AND QUALIFY TO THE WORLD FINAL OF THE IPC HAND SOLDERING CHAMPIONSHIP WHICHH WILL TAKE PLACE IN NOVEMBER DURING PRODUCTRONICA 2023. APRIL 13 2023 – The IPC Hand Soldering Competition is coming to Italy for the first time, and will make its debut at ‘Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly‘, the European trade show dedicated to the printed circuit boards industry to be held in Vicenza on 17 and 18 May 2023. Hand Soldering is becoming a scarce resource in the Electronic Industry. IPC Hand Soldering Competition identifies the best talents and celebrates premium skills. Participants compete to build a functional electronics assembly within a given time (60 minutes). Assemblies will be judged on soldering quality in accordance with IPC-A-610 Class 3 criteria, the speed at which the assembly was produced and overall electrical functionality of the assembly. IPC-A-610 Master Instructors from Gestlabs will serve as the judges. IPC is the global association for Electronics Manufacturing, promoting more consistent, profitable & competitive industry, more reliable, high-quality products through standards, certifications, education & training, thought leadership, advocacy, innovative solutions & industry intelligence. IPC Hand Soldering Champions will compete @ booth 109 to win and earn a cash prize. Every year, IPC holds several competitions around the world to identify regional champions. At the end of the regional qualifications, the World Final takes place in Munich in conjunction with the Productronica 2023 trade show (November 14-17): all regional champions will face off in a thrilling challenge and the winner will be crowned IPC Hand Soldering World Champion. “The IPC Hand Soldering Competition represents a unique opportunity to reveal all the talents in the industry and to celebrate their skills and expertise”, says Philippe Léonard, IPC Senior director European operations. Through the soldering competition, IPC intends to cast a light on the extraordinary technical skills demonstrated by electronic soldering and assembly professionals. The precision and expertise of electronic solderers are the result of experience gained over time, a real talent that more than other professions suffers from the increasing difficulty of finding young talents. Each year, IPC organises 20 regional competitions, 8 of which are in Europe, attracting more than 1,500 participants from all over the world. The top 3 winners of each competition receive a certificate and cash prizes from both IPC and the competition sponsors, and the 1st place is invited by IPC to the World Final to compete for the world title. Participants in the Vicenza leg of the IPC Hand Soldering Competition will compete in the assembly of a functional electronic circuit (PCBA) within a set time of one hour. The functional products will be evaluated by independent IPC MIT judges (IPC Master Trainers) on the basis of soldering quality according to IPC-A-610 Class 3 standards, production speed and electrical functionality. The award ceremony for the Italian Champion is scheduled for early afternoon on 18 May. “We chose Focus on PCB to host the IPC Hand Soldering Competition for the first time in Italy because it proved to be an event capable of attracting the best of the Italian and European electronics industry”, states Philippe Lèonard. “We share with Focus on PCB the desire to highlight this unique skill set for our industry, where innovation and talent are key and so much need to be recognised and rewarded”. Focus on PCB will take place at Fiera di Vicenza on 17 and 18 May 2023. Organised by NürnbergMesse, promoted by the Assodel PCB Group and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, Focus on PCB is sponsored by ANIE Componenti Elettronici, and aims to offer an opportunity for in-depth analysis of new technologies, innovative applications, market trends and technical and professional updating on regulations, standards and technological innovations for industries in the sector. For more information about the show: LinkedIn page: NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and which employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse takes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions on the basis of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals with the goal of achieving climate neutrality of energy supply by 2028. IPC Since 1957, IPC has been guiding the electronic interconnection industry through dramatic changes. IPC is the only trade association that brings together all of the players in this industry: designers, board manufacturers, assembly companies, suppliers, and original equipment manufacturers. More than 6,000 companies around the world depend on IPC programs and services to further their competitive excellence and financial success. IPC is a member-driven organization and leading source for industry standards, training, market research and public policy advocacy, developing programs to meet the needs of the global electronics industry. With more than 4,200 member-company sites, IPC represents all facets of the industry including design, printed board manufacturing, electronics assembly and test. By being the hub of knowledge in the electronics industry, IPC provides standards, training and certification, market research, education and public policy advocacy to help member companies achieve their goals. IPC aims to help members create betterquality products, enhance the skills and knowledge of their employees, reduce costs and waste, comply with regulations and be ready to capitalize on what is next. Press contacts Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Tel. 02 70 60 52 54 Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
8 March 2023Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2023: THE EUROPEAN EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO PCB RETURNS TO VICENZA ON MAY 17 AND 18 ▪ THE STRONG DYNAMISM OF THE PRODUCTIVE SCENARIOS AND A SUSTAINED INCREASE IN THE DEMAND OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS DRIVE THE GLOBAL ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. ▪ THE POINT OF VIEW OF LUCIANO PINI, PRESIDENT OF ANIE COMPONENTI ELETTRONICI, AND OF LUCA GIOVELLI, HEAD OF THE PCB ASSODEL GROUP, ON THE HEALTH OF THE ITALIAN PCB/PCBA SUPPLY CHAIN. FEBRUARY 20, 2023 – The protagonists of the PCB industry (Printed Circuit Board), of the PCBA industry (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and the EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) will soon have the chance to meet and share their ideas on industry trends and the penetration strategies in the Italian and European market of the Printed Circuit Board: “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly”, the first and only European B2B fair dedicated to the world of Printed Circuit Board is back. The appointment is at Fiera di Vicenza on May 17 and 18, 2023. Focus on PCB is organized by NürnbergMesse, sponsored by Gruppo PCB Assodel and ANIE Componenti Elettronici and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group and aims to offer an opportunity to learn more about new technologies, innovative applications, market trends and technical and professional updates on regulations, standards and technological innovations for the industries of the sector. The last edition, which represented the debut of the event, ended in a remarkably successful way: many highly specialized exhibitors enlivened the two-day event, with an excellent response from visitors. This was the signal that Focus on PCB, with its excellent quality offer, managed to create a contact point between all players of the PCB supply chain, to the point that the number of exhibitors expected at the 2023 edition has already almost doubled. Experts of the sector, specialists, but even young people in search of ideas about the career they have to take up, start-ups and makers: past, present and future of Printed Circuit Board meet at Focus on PCB in a lively and productive networking atmosphere. Great attention is given to the professional updating also this year, with a program of workshops and conferences held by experts and technicians of the sector will allow the participants to increase their knowledge and skills with technological and legal insights on best practices for a sustainable and forefront development of the Printed Circuit Board. Full attention will be paid to sustainability (environmental and planning), training, the most recent technological innovations in the materials and design of the PCB and the quality related to the reshoring of some productions in light of the European Chips Act guidelines and of the complex matters related to the global supply chain. Focus on PCB will be held in the Vicenza exhibition center on May 17 and 18, 2023. The fair is unique in the European B2B exhibition scenario and aims to bring together PCB manufacturers and distributors, contractors, EMS, materials suppliers for PCB, service companies, suppliers of service and/or tools related to design, PCB and PCBA certification authorities and companies and analysis and test laboratories. For further information on the exhibition: LinkedIn page: NürnbergMesse Italia NürnbergMesse Italia is on the Italian market since 2009 as Italian subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. It includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and that company’s 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group employs more than 1,000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio comprises some 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences held in person and as digital events, focusing on five general fields: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. Its events safeguard jobs; generate tax revenues as well as billions of euros in purchasing power effects each year, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole. As an employer and organiser of major events, NürnbergMesse assumes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions in accordance with the 17 UN SDGs with the aim of achieving climate neutrality in energy supply by 2028. Press contacts Vertigo Srl – Ufficio stampa Focus on PCB Tel. 02 70 60 52 54 Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
14 November 2022Press releasesPRESS RELEASE NEW CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE ITALIAN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY AT THE CENTRE OF THE DEBATE AT FOCUS ON PCB 2023 ▪ THE STRONG DYNAMISM OF THE PRODUCTIVE SCENARIOS AND A SUSTAINED INCREASE IN THE DEMAND OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS DRIVE THE GLOBAL ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. ▪ THE POINT OF VIEW OF LUCIANO PINI, PRESIDENT OF ANIE COMPONENTI ELETTRONICI, AND OF LUCA GIOVELLI, HEAD OF THE PCB ASSODEL GROUP, ON THE HEALTH OF THE ITALIAN PCB/PCBA SUPPLY CHAIN. NOVEMBER 3rd, 2022 Notwithstanding the complex international geopolitical situation, with the rivalry of the USA and China in the production and embargo of high-tech products, and the intensification of supply chain problems as a consequence of the conflict in Ukraine, the global market of printed circuit board is all in all quite healthy. This was stated in the “Global Sentiment of the Electronics Supply Chain” September 2022 report compiled by IPC, the international association that aims to standardize the assembly and production requirements for electronic equipment and assemblies. IPC collects the sentiment of the companies in the global electronic supply chain on a monthly basis, translating the data into a definite snapshot of the state of the industry. It emerges that 81% of global electronics companies record an increase in material costs, and 74% report an increase in production costs, against a constant reduction in profit margins and availability of components. Moreover, increasingly alarming in Europe is the phenomenon of skill shortage, i.e. the lack of adequately trained professionals: 61% of European electronics companies struggle to find experienced staff, while in the APAC area this problem drops to 24% of respondents, indicating a clear difference between the “Old continent” and the Asia Pacific area. At the manufacturing level, 30% of European electronics companies surveyed show an improvement in lead time (44% for APAC, 34% for North America), and expect a further improvement in the next six months. It means that the global electronics industry is becoming increasingly resilient, and that the supply chain is responding to the strong demand for printed circuit boards with a more effective organization of production resources. The issues related to logistics and the production of PCBs, the reduction of the gap between supply and demand, the considerations on the job market in the electronics sector and the protection of companies in the industry, are all significant topics for “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly”, the first exhibition dedicated to PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) operators. On the occasion of the first edition of Focus on PCB, which was held in Vicenza on 18th and 19th May 2022, these topics were investigated and deepened during several collateral conferences and workshops. And the debate continues, as emerges from the words of the representatives of ANIE Componenti Elettronici and the PCB Assodel Group, the two industry associations that sponsor the fair. Luciano Pini, President of ANIE Componenti Elettronici, the national reference for the active and passive electronic components industry, belonging to ANIE Federation and Confindustria, underlines how the electronics sector in Italy is going through a phase of particular excitement. “In Italy, the concern about the lack of implants and materials is countered by a push on investments and the relocation of production, which places electronics among the most dynamic and growing sectors in the coming years. The basis for development of the sector are the green challenges of electrification and renewables, supported by massive digitalization “. Regarding the market prospects, Pini adds: “Although most of PCB production is located in China, in our country there are many dynamic and flexible companies able to offer quality printed circuits and a high level of service. The demand for PCB in Italy continues to grow and forecasts are very optimistic, also because of the thrust of expanding sectors such as automotive, emobility, and all that creates smart products and processes in relation with the constant development of technological implementation “. The opportunities for debate among industry operators – such as the Focus on PCB event – remain an essential appointment to assess the health of electronics in Italy and to seek shared solutions. “Focus on PCB is a unique exhibition event in Europe, which aims to bring the printed circuit board sector to the fore in industrial supply chains with a high propensity for innovation. In this context, the meeting and dialogue of operators with the market and the possibility of bringing out new technological and business ideas are the most interesting opportunities “, cocludes Pini. Of the same opinion is Luca Giovelli, Head of the Assodel PCB Group, the working group dedicated to PCB manufacturers of the Association of Electronics Districts in Italy, which depicts a reality full of opportunities for electronics in Italy. “Electronics is launched towards a highly technological and totally new future, such as the advent of new quantum computers, which will allow the analysis and design of increasingly performing chips. From this point of view, printed circuits are also making use of new materials and technologies to be able to meet the new challenges that the market requires”. The demand for printed circuit boards continues to be strong, but at the same time, costs are increasing. “The market perspectives are currently still growing”, Giovelli adds. “However, the market is extremely unstable, and the production lines suffer constant fluctuations that force the entire production chain to be highly flexible, often at the expense of costs which are not surprisingly increasing”. The relocation that has been going on for several years will not be restored locally that easily, Giovelli points out. “It will certainly be possible to foresee a return to local productions of strategic processes to prevent some suppliers from monopolizing the world market. However, it will be difficult to have many products, such as for example also printed circuits, return to local productions, especially with regard to large volumes, considering that the production dynamics are very different and allow the realization of production at costs that are unattainable for the European market”. Focus on PCB remains a useful tool to convey the culture of printed circuits. “Focus on PCB is an initiative that promotes a new awareness of professionalism and innovation throughout the entire supply chain of the electronics world. One of the most important aspects of this event is also that of increasing the perception of the importance of product quality before making any kind of choice. The success of the first edition of this fair proves how important it is for all operators in the sector to have targeted reference points”. The next edition of Focus on PCB will be held in Vicenza on May 17th and 18th. . The fair is organized by NürnbergMesse Italia and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, with the sponsorship of ANIE Componenti Elettronici and the PCB Assodel Group. For more information and all updates, please visit the website and the Linkedin page of event. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALY NürnbergMesse Italia has been in the Italian market since 2009, as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, based in Nuremberg, and its 15 branches and affiliates and which employs over 900 people in eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the United States. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. The NürnbergMesse exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both in-person and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to managing the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia is also an organizer of events in Italy. FEDERAZIONE ANIE E ANIE COMPONENTI ELETTRONICI ANIE Federation, with over 1,400 associated companies and about 500,000 employees, represents the most strategic and advanced sector among the Italian industrial sectors, with an aggregate turnover of 76 billion euros (of which 22 billion are exports) in 2021. ANIE Federation invest 5% of turnover in Research and Development, representing more than 20% of the entire investment in R&D made by the private sector in Italy. ANIE Electronic Components is the national reference for suppliers of technologies enabling digital transformation and innovative solutions for industrial, economic, and social development. The Association is the expression of a sector that in Italy records an aggregate turnover of 5.7 billion euros in 2021, 80% of which is generated by direct exports. ASSODEL PCB GROUP PCB Group was born in Assodel in 2020 out of the will of some companies in the industry to create an association that could bring the printed circuit back to the center of attention in the Italian industrial electronics market. Today the Group already has over 20 member companies among the main producers and distributors of printed circuits based in Italy. Press contacts Vertigo Srl – Press office for Focus on PCB Tel. 02 70 60 52 54 Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
10 June 2022Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB 2022: GOOD FIRST! OUTSTANDING START FOR THE FIRST EUROPEAN EXHIBITION ENTIRELY DEDICATED TO PCB AND PCBA INSIDERS AND STAKEHOLDERS. FOCUS ON PCB IS COMING BACK NEXT YEAR: ON MAY 17-18, 2023 IN VICENZA. MAY 31st, 2022 – The 1st edition of Focus on PCB – From  Design to Assembly, the first European trade show dedicated to PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services), drew to a close on May 19th. The response from visitors and exhibitors alike was excellent, as both welcomed with enthusiasm this premium event, marked by outstanding expertise and professionalism. Industry professionals, specialists, as well as youth searching for ideas for their prospective careers, startups and makers: at Focus on PCB the past, present and future of printed circuit boards converged in a dynamic and prolific setting, the perfect backdrop for networking. The conference program, which was rich in technological insights and the market analysis presented by Assodel’s PCB Group, garnered great interest and participation. The trade show’s organizers, NürnbergMesse Italia, validate Focus on PCB’s success, and are already working on the next edition, which is due on May 17th and 18th, 2023 once again at Fiera di Vicenza. Their collaboration with IEG – Italian Exhibition Group – is also confirmed. “The positive outcome of this event is a clear sign that the exhibition industry, following the standstill imposed by the pandemic, is currently recovering”, so Stefania Calcaterra, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia. “This restart requires everyone –  from industry insiders to exhibiting companies – to find new ways and new stimuli, capable of catering for people’s need to meet in person in a productive framework for business. Our ambition is for Focus on PCB to become an incubator of groundbreaking ideas and opportunities for the whole PCB-PCBA industry, and a much anticipated annual international event that cannot be missed. As this first edition has shown, the preconditions are excellent.” The response from participants was excellent too, as shown by the several appreciation messages and positive comments, shared by those who have believed in Focus on PCB since the very onset. “The success of this event held in Vicenza has been a pleasant surprise. During those two days our booth was literally flooded with visitors: a huge satisfaction for us all!” Flavio Tronzano of SPEA has commented. He is echoed by Renato Farruggio of ICAPE Italy: “We want to thank all the people who came to visit us. The fair was marked by the common desire to start over what was   inevitably   put   on   hold   two   years  ago. I want to thank my team for their dedication and for believing in this.” The Bredi team, which visited Focus on PCB, is on the same page: “We couldn’t have been happier to walk through trade show halls again, to encounter customers and suppliers!” Linda Bastioni of CalcuQuote stated : “Well done Focus on PCB, great start! It’s been such a pleasure to finally be able to meet vis-à-vis, establish new partnerships and exchange ideas so as to upgrade our sector and supply chain.” Stefano Morlacchi of Cadlog Group has commented on the combination of off- and online exhibitions: “The value of meeting in presence and of exchanging ideas face-to- face on new technologies as well as age-old issues is unparalleled. At Focus on PCB I have had the chance of meeting customers, talking to suppliers, forging new opportunities and relationships with amazing Italian firms. I was finally able to shake hands with people I had only met through Teams. The best part? Persuading young students on a school trip to study to become PCB Masters, as these are in great demand” The importance of teaming up is also echoed in the words of Stefano Falletti of Peters Italia: “Focus on PCB 2022: we believe in a trade show dedicated to Made- in-Italy electronics!” Focus on PCB aims to guide current and prospective visitors and exhibitors along the path leading to the 2023 edition of the fair by providing them, from now on and in the months to come, with original contents, exclusive news and meeting opportunities to discuss essential issues for the PCB supply chain. Updates will be available on and on the event’s LinkedIn page. NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been on the Italian market since 2009 as the Italian subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world, including NürnbergMesse GmbH, headquartered in Nuremberg, and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates, employing over 900 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the United States. The group relies on a network of international representatives in over 100 countries. NürnbergMesse’s exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences, both on- and off-line, focusing on five product sectors: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. In addition to promoting the group’s events held in Nuremberg and worldwide, since 2017 NürnbergMesse Italia has been organizing events in Italy too. Press contacts Vertigo Srl – Focus on PCB Press Office Tel. +39 02 70 60 52 54 Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
6 May 2022Press releasesPRESS RELEASE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS: THE CORE TOPIC AT FOCUS ON PCB ON MAY 18TH AND 19TH, 2022 A RICH PROGRAM OF CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS WILL ANIMATE THE FIRST TWO-DAY EUROPEAN EVENT DEDICATED TO DESIGNERS, PRODUCERS AND END-USERS OF PCBS AND PCBAS. THE MAJOR PLAYERS IN THE ITALIAN AND EUROPEAN SUPPLY CHAIN ARE ALL SET TO MEET AT VICENZA EXPO CENTRE. May 4th, 2022 – the much-anticipated tradeshow “Focus on PCB – From Design to Assembly” is close at hand. Focus on PCB is the first European exhibition entirely dedicated to the professionals in the world of PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services). On May 18th and 19th 2022 in Vicenza, over 50 exhibiting companies will welcome visitors in the 6,000 square meters of Hall 1. The latest report by Assodel (Italian Electronics District Association) on the Italian electronics market data points to a dynamic situation: a 1 billion € turnover and 465 million € for the Italian electronics distribution segment in 2021, namely +26.1% against the previous year, with a yearly book-to-bill of 1,87 (and an order portfolio increase by 1 billion and 300 million Euro ). Against this background, a number of challenges are emerging, such as the availability of raw materials and components, the issues the supply chain is currently facing, as well as the green transition, as the sector is shifting towards circular economy and a more sustainable production. These issues will be food for thought at the side events of Focus on PCB, thanks to the direct involvement of the companies that are grappling with these challenges on a daily basis. PCBs have turned into a crucial element across several supply chains, as they are essential to house and link chips and other electronic components, thus turning products and equipment of all kinds into smart goods: from cars to trains, from environmental sensors to wearable devices. The search for greater independence in electronics component sourcing involves the PCB industry too, which is bound to experience growing demand both in terms of quantity and quality. The conferences at Focus on PCB – moderated by Eng. Massimo Frigerio, consultant at Somacis – will delve deep into the global challenges faced by the PCB industry. On Wednesday, May 18th at 10am the Opening Conference, at which NürnbergMesse Group CEO Peter Ottmann, Luca Giovelli from Assodel PCB Group and Gabriele Braga from ANIE Componenti Elettronici will be relating the circumstances that led to the launch of this event, which, owing to the expertise of the players involved, is unequalled both in the Italian and European tradefair scenario. Jonathan Milione – Process Engineer at PreventLab and Ivano Tognetti – Cadlog EDA Product Manager – will zoom in on Sustainability at 11am during the conference Fostering prevention to guarantee the sustainability of our companies and our industry, a pioneering approach to the Design – Simulation – DFM – Validation/Qualification stages to develop state-ofthe- art solutions. At 3pm the spotlight will be on the state of art of the printed circuit board industry, with talks by Guglielmo Martinella – Chief Commercial Officer of Tecnometal, Massimo Lanza – Production Manager of Roj, and Eng. Tino Taddei of GestLabs, on the technological evolution in the PCB and PCBA industries. On May 19th at 11:00 am the conference Basic laminates and surface finishes in the production of IPC-6012 PCBs: a deeper knowledge of laboratory requirements and testing will usher in the second day of the show. Mattia Cevasco from the Italian Institute of Welding, Eng. Boldrini from Isola, Davide Colombo from Fineline Italy and Mario Cianfriglia from NCAB will report on the importance of the IPC-6012 standard for the quality of printed circuit boards. At 3:00 pm, the conference The Electronics market trend in Italy in a time of component shortage with the institutional speech by Assodel Director Diego Giordani, who will provide an in-depth overview of the industry in our country by analysing the data of his association, which, in the past 40 years, has been a reference point for both suppliers of electronic components and Italian companies operating in the industrial electronics sector. A rich calendar of workshops with speeches and keynotes by the companies taking part in Focus on PCB will exemplify the main technological innovations in the industry and offer insights to bolster production efficiency and the strategic development of the printed circuit boards supply chain. Focus on PCB will take place in Hall 1 of Vicenza Expo Centre on May 18th and 19th, 2022, under the patronage of Assodel and ANIE Componenti Elettronici. The event is organized by NürnbergMesse and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group. The exhibition is an absolute début in the European B2B trade show scenario, aiming to bring together PCB manufacturers and distributors, contractors, EMS, suppliers of PCB materials, service companies, suppliers of services and/or design tools, PCB and PCBA certification bodies and firms, as well as analysis and testing laboratories. Useful Information:  Register and download your ticket here:  For further information about the event:  All news on the exhibitors on the LinkedIn page:  Conferences and workshops agenda:  How to get there: NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALY NürnbergMesse Italia has been operating on the Italian market since 2009 as the Italian subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world, which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, headquartered in Nuremberg, and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates, employing over 900 people at eleven locations across Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the United States. The group relies on a network of international representatives in over 100 countries. NürnbergMesse’s exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences, both in-presence and digital, with special focus on five product sectors: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. Besides handling the domestic promotion of the group’s events held in Nuremberg and around the world, NürnbergMesse Italia has also been an event organizer in Italy since 2017. Press ContactsVertigo Srl – Focus on PCB Press OfficeTel. +39 02 70 60 52 54Stefano Cazzani cazzani@vertigonet.itElisa Bellintani Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
18 February 2022Press releasesPRESS RELEASE FOCUS ON PCB: THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SUPPLY CHAIN MEETS IN VICENZA THE FIRST EUROPEAN EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO PCB AND PCBA DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND END-USER, A PEERLESS EVENT FOR IN-DEPTH TECHNOLOGICAL MASTERY, PROFESSIONAL UPDATING AND NETWORKING. ON 18th AND 19th MAY 2022 IN VICENZA EXHIBITION CENTER Milan, 10th February 2022 – For the first time in Europe, a B2B event fully dedicated to the printed circuit board supply chain, the scope of the show ranging from design to assembly. “FocusOnPCB – From Design to Assembly” is a unique opportunity for PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards), PCBAs (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) and EMSs (Electronics Manufacturing Services) experts and insiders to meet and exchange ideas. The event, due on 18th and 19th May 2022 at Fiera di Vicenza, aims to bring together all PCB stakeholders, from designers down to end-users. Under the patronage of Assodel and ANIE Componenti Elettronici, organised by NürnbergMesse and hosted by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, FocusOnPCB aims to involve Italian and European PCB players, offering them a valuable learning opportunity in terms of leading-edge technologies, innovative applications, emerging trends, as well as technical and professional updates on regulations and standards. The companies taking part in the event will provide an overview of the Italian and European firms that design, produce, assemble and test printed circuit boards and electronic cards. Visitors will have the chance to hone their skills and expand their know-how by attending the fair’s first-rate workshops and seminars. One of the “hot topics” in the spotlight at FocusOnPCB is sustainability along the entire PCB supply chain. A theme that today requires manufacturers, designers and distributors to rise up to the challenge of PCB sustainability both from an environmental (by adopting sustainable materials and processes) and economic perspective (by tackling production waste and energy saving). Several leading PCB/PCBA industries have already joined FocusOnPCB. Cistelaier S.p.A. has been producing printed circuit boards since 1976, and has always invested in people, technologies and processes, thus invariably meeting, often even anticipating, the needs of their clientele. The Modena-based firm’s decision to take part in Focus on PCB is a strategic one: “We believe that Italian and European PCB users need a partner like Cistelaier, a firm that can support them in the development of each new electronic device of which, in fact, the printed circuit board is the enabling platform.” So Claudio Guerzoni, Cistelaier’s executive. “Our participation in FocusOnPCB aims to keep on catering to the needs of the market, so as to offer our already-existing solutions, as well as making informed investment decisions to develop the solutions that will be needed in the future”. FAE Technology S.p.A., specializing in embedded electronics for industries and the Internet of Things, has been supplying EEMS (Electronics Engineering and Manufacturing Services) for 30 years. Gianmarco Lanza – President and CEO of FAE Technology – is enthusiastic about the launch of a B2B event such as FocusOnPCB, which can boast European scope, and is a crucial opportunity for all the professionals in the sector. “We support an initiative that brings back the focus on electronics in our territory, being the latter paramount for the growth of several markets. The electronics industry has always been a key player in the industrial history of our country. Gathering the sector’s excellence and an audience of high-level professionals at a trade fair in presence, after a protracted standstill, is a strong signal of the vitality of a sector that has much to say.” The Peters Group is the worldwide leading supplier of across-the-board coatings for electronics. Sustainability is one of the company’s current drives, as Stefano Falletti, Technical Sales Manager of Peters Italia S.r.l., has stated. “The printed circuit board industry is experiencing an extremely exciting season, and this exhibition is a unique opportunity for networking and dialoguing with our customers, following a period in which interaction has been forestalled by the pandemic. At FocusOnPCB we will display a new Irgacure-free green solder mask, in which the traditional photo-initiator for assembly and fitting of components has been replaced by a material with reduced footprint, in compliance with the non-toxicity requirements imposed by the latest European regulations”. FocusOnPCB, with its compact formula of targeted and effective full-immersion sessions, will be held on 18th and 19th May 2022 in Hall 1 of Vicenza Exhibition Centre. The show is an absolute début in the European B2B exhibition scene, bringing together PCB manufacturers and distributors, subcontractors, EMS, PCB material suppliers, service companies, suppliers of design-related services and tools, PCB and PCBA certification bodies and companies, as well as analysis and testing laboratories. For more information on the event: LinkedIn: NÜRNBERGMESSE ITALIA NürnbergMesse Italia has been present on the Italian market since 2009 as the Italian subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the world’s 15 largest exhibition companies, comprising NürnbergMesse GmbH, headquartered in Nuremberg, and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. It employs over 900 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. The group also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. NürnbergMesse’s exhibition portfolio includes around 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses, both face-to-face and digital, with a focus on five product clusters: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, Social & Public. In addition to taking care of the promotion in Italy of the group’s events in Nuremberg and around the world, NürnbergMesse Italia has been organising events in Italy since 2017. Press contacts Vertigo Srl – Press Office FocusOnPCB Tel. +39 02 70 60 52 54 Stefano Cazzani Elisa Bellintani Download Press Release Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]
27 September 2021Press releasesPRESS RELEASE Printed Circuit Boards go on stage at Vicenza Exhibition Centre on 18th and 19th May 2022 Focus on PCB – the first B2B trade show in Europe zeroing in on printed circuit boards- will be held on 18th and 19th May 2022 in Vicenza. Milan, September 2021 – Focus on PCB, the first and only European B2B event specially dedicated to Printed Circuit Boards, is going to take place in Italy. Brainchild of Assodel’s PCB Group (Italian Electronic Districts Association) and NürnbergMesse’s expertise (Nuremberg Trade Fair), Focus on PCB aims to meet the need for an encounter between the PCB stakeholders and end-users. The purpose of the organizers is indeed to launch, for the first time in Italy, an annual event in a large exhibiting area, in which this segment’s professionals have a chance to get in touch with all the national business specializing in PCBs. In this regard, Stefania Calcaterra, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse Italia, has stated: “I want to thank Assodel for the trust they placed on NürnbergMesse Italia by entrusting us with the organization of the first Exhibition in Europe exclusively dedicated to printed circuit boards, considering the growing importance that PCB industry is experiencing. We are proud to take on this challenge, and confident that the market will respond positively and seize this opportunity”. Luca Giovelli, head of the PCB Group and Managing Director of Fineline Italy, has added: “Assodel PCB Group aims to attain both national and international outreach, hence our choice to collaborate with the Italian branch of NürnbergMesse, which is known for its professionalism and reliability. We are confident that this collaboration will greatly benefit all Assodel associates, which hold a prominent position in the field of electronics. In addition, as association, we are well aware of and very much interested in the growth the PCB market is witnessing. Most importantly we are  mindful of the need to acquire further technical know-how in order to better satisfy the market demand by delivering increasingly state-of-the-art and innovative products. “Focus on PCB” represents the opportunity to create an ever closer synergy between supply and demand. Professionalism, expertise, technical know-how and quality are the key assets to compete in this market segment”. Focus on PCB is a unique chance for industry stakeholders, insiders, PCBs designers and end-users to meet and exchange ideas about the latest innovations in the sector. The event also includes conferences and forums with top PCB players and experts, which will thoroughly analyse the features and potential of this booming market. What’s more, the several workshops and technical seminars will focus also on the different types of printed circuit boards: from the traditional single- and double sided PCBs to multilayer ones, from flex to rigid-flex PCBs, from metal-base to 3D-printed PCBs. For more information about Focus on PCB: LinkedIn page: NürnbergMesse Italia NürnbergMesse Italia has been on the Italian market since 2009 as the Italian branch of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the top 15 trade show companies worldwide, which includes NürnbergMesse GmbH, headquartered in Nürnberg, and its 15 branches and sub-branches, with over 900 employees in eleven offices in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and USA. The group also relies on a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. NürnbergMesse’s exhibitions portfolio counts approximately 120 national and international trade shows and congresses, both digital and physical, focusing on five clusters: Retail & Consumption Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security Systems, Social & Public. As well as promoting nationwide the events organized by the Group and held in Nürnberg and across the globe, NürnbergMesse Italia has been organizing trade shows in Italy since 2017. For press inquiries: Fortuna Pellegrini Communication Focus on PCB Press Office Via N. Machiavelli, 16 – 20145 Milano Fortuna Pellegrini: tel. 335 8111360 – Silvia Borsani: tel. 335 8355368 – Download Press Release Contacts +39 02 36753260Opening hours Focus on PCB 17th of May – 9.00am – 6.00pm 18th of May – 9.00am – 5:00pm Location Fiera di Vicenza – Pad. 1 Via dell’Oreficeria, 16 Vicenza (Vi) Social Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter Privacy Policy Read the privacy policy Organized by Sponsored by Hosted by Copyright © 2021 NürnbergMesse Italia Srl [...]

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